Saturday, May 9, 2009

Colors of Rajasthan India, the first Gallery has been published

Keeping an watchful eye on me, Hindu Ceremony in the rural area of Rajasthan India.
I have just returned and almost finished my editing with Aperture 2. The first Images chosen randomly have been uploaded on my Blog Gallery. Once I have finished all the editing and uploading to my PhotoShelter site I make another announcement.
Also by next week I have a new Category on my main web site, India will be represented shortly just stay tuned for my updates.
I am also getting ready for my trip to Thailand to attend the TDEX (Thailand Dive & Travel Expo) next week, I am there for some Aperture 2 seminars. If time permits I post a blog or two from Bangkok.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Photo Workshop in Cambodia…Angkor Wat and beyond, the final dates have been announced

Cambodia Siem Reap, Angkor Wat
and beyond...

We have finalized and can confirm the Dates for our GD PhotoWorkshop in Cambodia…

Siem Reap…”Angkor Wat and beyond...” besides Angkor Wat and the other nearby Temples which we are going to visit anyway, this time we travel also beyond; to the amazing Phnum Kulen area north of Siem Reap, the Tonle Sap Lake plus other seldom visited Temples and places.

6 nights and 7 days from the 13th until the 19th of September, please make sure and reserve your space now, final bookings have to be made by latest June 15, 2009.
This Workshop is filling up fast already; you can make a non-committed reservation now and reserve your space prior June 2009. For bookings:

Final Workshop cost and all other details will be announced by latest May 31, 2009.
We have also made some changes on the GD PhotoWorkshop site, there you find some very use full and additional information.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sad Tale from Palau in Micronesia, are they declaring an open season on the local shark population?

© Photo Courtesy Palau Shark Sanctuary
I have been visiting and shooting (not Sharks) in Palau the past 14 Years and I continue doing so…but maybe there is nothing left to shoot soon, well at least underwater.
At the moment there are disturbing reports on the Internet on a proposed new Bill that could wipe out the Shark Population in Palau.
If the Sharks are gone, a natural predator, then many other marine species will slowly disappear too, what is to happen to the Diving and Tourism Industry then?
Who knows? The way it looks few care!
I sincerely hope that this new Bill will not pass, all over the planet we are trying to do our bid in the conservation of our forests, waterways and marine life.
Palau in Micronesia is one of the very few places left on Earth where we can find a healthy environment which was protected up to now..
Because some Countries like to slurp this tasteless Shark fin Soup, Mother Nature has to suffer again, in all honesty when will we ever learn before it is to late…

If we keep going at this rate and wipe out our Marine life and forests there be nothing, absolutely nothing left for our children, very selfish of us…at least we had the pleasure to see a better and greener Earth…but our Children don’t have the same right then us, because we took it away from them.
Very selfish indeed! Wake up your Politicians and stop this madness, Global warming is already having its toll now you add more pain to the injury.
See below excerpts and the LINK to the complete article and recent images.

Palau has gained much international notoriety for taking strong positions when it comes to protecting it's environment and natural resources including setting aside marine and terrestrial conservation areas, outlawing live reef fishing, and banning the taking of sharks or their fins. The President even set an illegal catch of shark fins on fire some years ago in protest against the then lax laws against shark fining.

While there are many great stories to tell about accomplishments made by Palau, there is also a sinister story that somehow gets brushed aside or swept under the rug, and that is the impact of licensing foreign fishing fleets to operate in Palau's waters. It doesn't take much research to find out that fisheries around the world are in grave danger of total collapse. It takes even less research to uncover the unsavory performance records and in many cases illegal activities associated with commercial fishing fleets worldwide. In the case of Palau, the main regional fishing fleets emanate from Japan, China, Philippines and Indonesia…

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Underwater Photography...changing from Color to some cool Black and White images

© Gunther Deichmann- the famous Grotto in Saipan.
Aperture 2 the software for Professional Photographers makes it easy now to change your color image into a cool looking B&W thanks to Aperture 2 and its build in Monochrome Mixer using all those filter we use to screw in front of our lens. No more Chemicals and spending hours on end in the Darkroom plus very environment friendly.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

School Holidays Free Art Workshops sponsored by the Power Mac Center in Manila, Philippines

Last week the Power Mac Center in Manila organized a week full of fun for the Kids at the Rockwell Shopping Center. Children had the chance under supervision to play with the latest iMac Computers and iPods. Animation, some basic drawing and other educational software had been installed on all the iMacs all under the supervision from the PMC staff.
An artist was on hand also who painted some cartoons on the Kid's faces, it was nice to see that a company like the PMC organized this week long event for the children.
The images on this post have been taken during my visit with my children on a Leica D-Lux 4 my constant travel companion. Since it was long over due to take my Boys out I left my big gear at home. Later I created this layout with the new Pages from iWork '09
For information on my upcoming GD PhotoWorkshop in Cambodia please click the LINK below.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Scuba Diving and Underwater Photography in Palau, plus a lot more

If you ever plan a trip to Palau Micronesia you're a Underwater Photographer or love your Video, then Sam's Tours in Palau is the place to hang out.

They have the most modern Digital Photo Center in Micronesia and properly in the Pacific, equipt with six iMac Computer a complete back up system and the latest software. All you ever going to need to keep your images and photos organized after your Dive or a spectacular Rock Island Tour. They even transfer your Video and Photos to your iPod and if you need some serious Videos Nick the Videographer is always on standby to cater for all your needs.

See below some excerps from their website @


Sam's Tours Digital Photography Center is fully equipped to cater to digital photographers of all interest levels from those with handy “point-and-shoot” cameras to the most demanding digital photographers shooting in RAW format. Our six top of the line Apple iMac workstations are loaded with terabytes and terabytes of storage, archiving and secure data back up systems, lots of RAM, and completely optimized for digital imaging with Apple Aperture image management software, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Bridge, Toast, and topped off with DSL Wi-Fi internet access. No other photo center in Palau comes near!

Our rental equipment includes the latest Canon Powershot SD850 digital cameras and Canon ZR830 mini digital video cameras complete with underwater housings, large storage media, plenty of additional batteries, and full service support from our professionally trained Photo Center staff.

Other Photo Center amenities include a padded and dry camera prep table, battery charging stations, 110V and 220V electrical supply, separate camera rinse tanks, camera drying station equipped with towels and compressed air, and secure storage for your housings, equipment cases and other accessories.

Our good friend internationally acclaimed professional photographer and Apple Certified Trainer, Mr. Gunther Deichmann was instrumental in designing and equipping our Digital Photo Center and training our staff to cater to highest demands of today's digital photographers. Visit Gunther's website at for more information on his amazing photography and don't miss out on his very informative blogs at:

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Inhabitants of our Oceans Million of years ago, meet the Trilobite…

© Gunther Deichmann - Photo of a fossilized Trilobite from his personal collection.
Inhabitants of our Oceans Million of years ago, meet the Trilobite… they covered the Ocean floor on every continent but went extinct before dinosaurs even came into existence


Trilobites are remarkable, hard-shelled, segmented creatures that existed over 300 million years ago in the Earth's ancient seas. They went extinct before dinosaurs even came into existence, and are one of the key signature creatures of the Paleozoic Era, the first era to exhibit a proliferation of the complex life-forms that established the foundation of life as it is today.
These are amongst the oldest arthropods. They were abundant during the Paleozoic era, but died out at the end of it. They are easy identified with their three part bodies. Typically very ornate and very collectable fossils.

Trilobites appear to have been exclusively marine organisms, since the fossilized remains of trilobites are always found in rocks containing fossils of other salt-water animals such as brachiopods, crinoids, and corals. Within the marine paleoenvironment, trilobites were found in a broad range from extremely shallow water to very deep water. Trilobites, like brachiopods, crinoids, and corals, are found on all modern continents, and occupied every ancient ocean from which Paleozoic fossils have been collected. The remnants of trilobites can range from the preserved body to pieces of the exoskeleton, which it sheds in the process known as ecdysis. In addition, the tracks left behind by trilobites living on the sea floor are often preserved as trace fossils.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Diving with Dugongs...Encounters at Club Paradise, Palawan Philippines

The tropical Island Resort Club Paradise in Palawan, there you can see Dugongs right at the House Reef, only meters away from your accommodation.

The above screen shot is from FINS who has just published the image and a short article on their very recent Blog, the photo of the Dugongs was taken by Lee Goldman from SE Asia Kayak Tours only a few days ago.
So, if you an Underwater Photographer living in Asia or for that matter anywhere then you should plan a Trip to Club Paradise a Dream Beach Resort with all your 5 Star
amenities and Dive with the Dugong Dive Center in Palawan Philippines.
It is here where you can get a chance to Video, Photograph or just enjoy
Dugongs in the wild, one of the very few places in South East Asia and the only place in the Philippines. For more details check out the links below:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Aperture 2 in the new Fins online

Fins online has just posted a comprehensive article of mine on Aperture 2, why you should use Aperture 2 if you are using a Mac. Fins online is one of the best websites for all your Underwater Video and Underwater Photography, plus up to date articles on the Environment, Dive destinations, Resorts and just about everything else what has to do with Underwater including some cool tech tips and Videos.
Check it out at:
or go to My Blog for more Tutorials on Aperture 2

Friday, February 20, 2009

International Photo Archives updated

Another Image from my series "The View from the Car Window"
taken only yesterday
on the way to a client meeting.Leica D-Lux 4

We have just added a new search function which will give you access to some 5000 images from South East Asia, Australia, East Asia, Europe and some special Galleries on the Environment, Wildlife & Weather plus a lot more.
Just type in what you are looking for using keyword combinations like eg.
Australia-Tribal-black and White, or Cambodia-Angkor Wat-Monk-Religion-Buddhist ...